Assessment & Grading

Student’s final grade for this class will be based on class participation in reviews and the successful completion of assignments. Students shall be evaluated according to a demonstration of imaginative and critical-thinking skills, clarity, precision of arguments, creativity and depth of thought and the ability to communicate intentions verbally and graphically. All class members will be assessed for the development of a project that is appropriate to the criteria developed in class and that of the discipline of architecture, design and engineering. Other aspects which are included in your evaluation are: demonstration of technical skills gained through class participation, conscientious effort for the course for the duration of it, completion of requirements in a timely manner, participation in group reviews.

The graded weighting of each activity is as follows;

  • Assignment 1: 5%
  • Assignment 2: 20%
  • Assignment 3: 20%
  • Assignment 4: 20%
  • Final Presentation: 20%
  • Class Participation: 10%
  • Contribution to Digital Garden: 5%

Final grades indicate the following;

  • 9.0-10.0: Excellent/Distinction. Indicates work of a very high character; the highest grade given. This grade is reserved for work that shows leadership and inspiration, demonstrating significant insight developed to its fullest extent and presented with exquisite communication.
  • 7.9-8.9: Good. Indicates work that is definitely above average, though not of the highest quality. This work shows thorough exploration and development, and is well presented with good communication, but it may not rise to the highest level of excellence.
  • 7.0-7.8: Fair. Indicates work of average or medium character. Work in this category demonstrates complete fulfillment of the stated requirements and an understanding of the issues covered, but does not exceed the expectations of understanding, development, or execution.
  • 5.0-6.9: Pass. Indicate work below average and unsatisfactory. The lowest passing grade. Though work may meet the minimum requirements, it lacks depth, development or is unsatisfactorily crafted.
  • 0.0-4.9: Fail. Indicates that the student knows so little of the subject that it must be repeated in order that credit may be received. Work in this category may be unfinished, unimaginative, underdeveloped or poorly executed, and shows minimal understanding of issues.